A basic aspect to be resolved will be the extent any proposed
future health care program for the people of the "affected atolls"
can be integrated into an overall program of health care the
Marshall Islands Government provides for the people of the
To date,

the medical services branch of the Trust Territory of

the Pacific Islands Government and the Government of the Marshall
Islands has participated only in a peripheral way in the on-going
medical monitoring and follow up medical care program for the
exposed people of Rongelap and Utirik and for the comparison groups
that have been designated.

In an earlier period, this peripheral

assistance consisted of providing ship logistic support on a
reimbursable bases for annual medical surveys and for the provision
of certain technician support, either from the Majuro Hospital or
from the former Trust Territory Headquarters Health Department.
In recent years, the expansion of the DOE medical and
environmental monitoring program has necessitated quarterly
inspection trips, a full-scale annual medical survey, as well as
the stationing of a M.D. at Kwajalein Atoll to provide for
special medical monitoring and care for eligible Rongelap and
Utirik residents.

These demands have required the Department of

Energy to make provision to supply its own logistic requirements.
In recent years also the Brookhaven National Medical teams,
at least for the annual surveys, have been expanded to include
doctors and professional staff not confined to radiation specialties.

"Sick call" services are provided during the survey visits,

and specialists in maternal and child care,

etc., have been added


Select target paragraph3