
Other Atolls of the Northern Marshalls Cited by the

Government of the Marshalls as "Possible Affected Atolls"

The Government of the Marshall Islands recently has expressed
considerable concern that other atolls in the Northern Marshalls
known to be in the areas of low level radiation fallout, but not
held by U.S.

officials to be in the category of "affected atolls",

should in reality be listed in that category.
In early 1980, the Government of the Marshall Islands
conducted a survey on the people of Likiep Atoll and contend that
its survey demonstrates that there is more than a normal incidence
of thyroid disorders, throat problems and other abnormal medical
aspects amongst the people.

The Government of the Marshalls has requested that the alleged
situation with respect to health aspects of the people of Likiep
and associated atoils should be studied.

The Department of Energy

has agreed to provide a biochemical screening profile of the
people of Likiep Atoll and of the people of one other atoll in the
Marshalls to be selected as a comparison population.
would be included in the survey team.

Medical staff

Negotiations between the

Department of the Interior, the Department of Energy and the
Government of the Marshall Islands currently

(July 1980)


underway to accomplish the carrying out of the screening profile
of the people of Likiep Atoll.

Scope of Work
The first line of action will be to develop a plan for a

health care program for the people of the four "affected atolls"
designated in P.L. 96-205, i.e., Rongelap Atoll, Utirik Atoll,
Bikini and Enewetak Atolls.


Select target paragraph3