that might show some significant contamination.

That if we cover these, we

would (in ? found*) that there was no concern about the ones on the fringes
of that pattern, that we need not be concerned outside that pattern.

Further question.


Has there been any survey made of other atolls than those in

this book?

There have been limited surveys in other places.

There has not been

as comprehensive a survey as has been done, as is reported here, on I guess

any other atolls but those that are listed here.

There have been, (and

aside to Alice, “can you find something for spot check?"), there have been
brief visits, smal] excursions to other atolls just to be sure that there
was not something that had been missed.

Many many surveys have been done starting back during the test days

by the University of Washington, by Brookhaven Laboratory and by other
Department of Energy Laboratories.

These have all been reported in the

scientific literature, they have all been reported to the Trust Territories
Administration, to the Department of Interior.

These three booklets

represent our first attempt to try to convey this information back to you
in a way that is meaningful.

We, perhaps, ought to consider going back and

looking at some of those other things and putting them in a meaningful form
but it is a great deal of effort to summarize it.

If there are specific

places that people are concerned about and would like to know what
information exists, that information is available and we will make it

This may be my final question.

I would wonder if it would be

considered appropriate, I would think it would be beneficial and I would
like to request that information regarding Wotje since I am representing

Wotje could be given to us.

This is my request.

* There was static on the tape.


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