
Here are those two books.

(Background voices not clear.

Bikini and Enewetak.
Bill Robinson suggested it should be

mentioned that the actual work was done before then.

Alice said that it

might be better to say again.)

Another question.


The first population to be returned to their atoll, if I

understand correctly, was the people of Utrik.

So I am asking why

information regarding their atoll wasn't prepared first.

They were the

first to be returned to their atoll.

Well, there was work, was survey work done at that time before the

resettlement of Utrik and there has been a continuous survey effort at both
Rongelap and Utrik since the 1950s.

There was a great deal of information

that lead to decisions and recommendations being given to the people.


was only after we had done the Bikini and Enewetak booklets and found them
so useful that we felt that it was important to do this here.


information has flowed continuously but never in one concise form before

for Utrik and Rongelap.

I can't really explain that, except to say that

the people who were making the decisions had the information.

We now

recognize, certainly, that it would have been better, that is why we have
done this, recognizing that it would have been better had there been a more

complete, more continuous communication.

I feel that there are other atolls that we would be

considered accurately as part of the northern area of the Marshalls and I
don't see them named in this map.

(and) So the reason that they do not

appear in this book (is this), does this mean that they have not been
significantly contaminated, or what is the reason that they are not?


That is the correct answer.

At the time of the, at the time these

islands and atolls were selected for survey a careful study was made of
what had occurred in the past and it was concluded that these were the ones

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