all the way up to the sky.

The number is a number that we know and that's

what he is saying is not dangerous.

For simplicity of notation here, we've

said that everything above that hundred number is just a 4 because we know

that it doesn't go very much higher than that.

Oscar is suggesting that we do proceed with the presentation that is

to be made and, not wanting to put any damper on the questions asked,

nevertheless it might be profitable to hold them until tomorrow which we
have already explained will be opened to any sort of question and suggests
that we go further with the explanation that is prepared in the book of
these matters.

He was again saying that I would rather want to understand each page

as we go along rather than we might forget what some of our questions are
regarding this if we go along.

Oscar tried to also explain that doubtless

some of the answers to what your question is on this page will appear, the
answers are given in the next pages.

Rather than confusing or departing

from this we are actually going into this deeper and more clearly.

[Alice Buck continued presentation in Marshallese. ]
(Note - The beginning of Tape 2, Side 1 was accidentally recorded over.
This material has been inserted in its proper sequence, at the end of Tape
2, Side 2.

Part of Alice's presentation in Marshallese recorded on Side 1

was lost by this error.)

It was stated that there has been radioactivity in the world

from the beginning.

How come the people in the Marshalls were not sick in

years before?

Because, because the amount of radiation naturally..., well.


don't really know whether people in the world have been made sick because
of the natural radiation.

There is no way of knowing whether sickness that


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