which they seek their food.

Each of these questions has to be looked at,

each of these locations has to be looked at using some assumptions as to
what people are doing and for how long and that is what the rest of the

booklet will present.

This simply tells you that levels of radiation are

widely distributed through those regions and they vary even within an

Now what that means comes next.


May I ask what is that level of radiation that this exceeds,

if 4 is above?

Do you want to answer that Bill?

the actual numbers?



Do you want to give them


(It's) The number is more than 100 picocuries per gram in the soil.

That is a measurement, that is what 4 is.

That is a level of radioactive

material in the soil.
Suzanne Cowan:

Dr. Ray is now saying that the designation 4 has no upper

It is a designation above this limit.

Whereas how can you say that

and Dr. Bair is saying that all these designations are considered not

If people lived on these islands that have a level of 4 on them and

didn't eat any food that was grown on those islands they wouldn't get much
radiation exposure.

They wouldn't get much radiation.

But if they eat

food that is grown on those islands, they would get more radiation
depending upon how much foad they ate from those islands.


I think there is a misunderstanding here.

Let me try and clear that

Dr. Bair did not say that any number is not dangerous.

What he said

is that the numbers that were measured in this survey would not indicate a
dangerous situation at any of these locations.
measurements that permit him to say that.

We do have actual

It is not an open ended thing

Select target paragraph3