156° OO' E.

18° 30' N.,

18° 30! N.,
11° 30' N.,

170° 0O' E.
170° OO' E.

11° 30' N.,

166° 16! E.

10° 15' N.,

166° 16' E.

10° 15! N.,

156° OO' E,

Notices have been given the widest possible distribution

through marine,

aviation and international organizations.

Regular air and sea searches of the area will be condueBefore each shot, the
ted in advance of the start of operaticns.
patrol of the danger area will be intensified, particularly in the
area where fallout is forecast.

The Atomic Energy Commission has issued regulations which
prohibit entry into the danger area of U. S. citizens and all other
persons subject to the jursidiction of the United States, its
territories and rossessions.

The regulations effective from April 11,

1958 until the

HARDTACK test series 1s completed prohibit entry, attempted entry
or conspiracy to enter the danger area.
Radiation Monitoring in Proving Ground Region
Radiological safety personnel,

equipped with radiation

detection and measuring instruments and two-way radios to enable

them to communicate with the central Task Force Radiological Safety
Office, will be stationed on nearby inhabited atolls, and at

weather stations of the weather reporting network.

In the unlike-

ly event of significant fallout in an inhadited area, the monitors
would warn the inhabitants and advise and assist them in taking

Safety measures.
The monitors also have trained Marshallese medical
practitioners and health aides in basic emergency measures.
Radiation Surveys of Sea and Marine Life
Outside of the testing area,

the detonations are not ex-

pected to add enough radioactive material to natural levels of

vadloactivity in the ocean to be harmful to marine life.
Experi2nee Shows that outside the testing area, resulting quantities of
Sadloactivity in edible sea foods will result in exposures which

will be very small compared with the limits for public exposure

“ecommended by the United States National
“rotection and Measurement.

Committee for Radiation

As in the past there will be a program of study to exslore the ultimate destination and behavior of radioactivity in the
s¢a water and in marine organisms.
Sweeps by U.S. Navy Vessels

9th during and after the test series will include such measures

28 sSeaking continuous readings of radioactivity in surface water,


Select target paragraph3