~Orelating to the test series follows:
Fallout Predictions

Tests will be conducted only when the forecast pattern
of significant fallout is entirely within the danger area.
forecasting fallout patterns, scientists will make use of improved methods of collecting and evaluating data which have been
developed as a result of intensive study of the problem of pre-

dicting fallout in the vicinity of the Proving Ground.


Fellout predictions are dependent upon weather informa-

Experience has shown that weather data normally available

in the Pacific Ocean area are inadequate for the needs of testing.
Therefore for nuclear tests in tne Pacific special arrangements are made to obtain additional data.
For the 1958 tests
thirteen special United States weather stations,

located within

several hundred miles of the Proving Ground, will participate in
a weather network reporting to a central station.
These stations
will be staffed by military and civilian metecrologists.
reconnaissance will be carried on employing aircraft,

balloons and rockets,


Research has been conducted in the spectal field of
tropical meteorelogy, and weather observers and forecasters have

been instructed in the latest methods of forecasting which have

been developed as a result of these studies.

Trained personnel have been organized into a fallout

prediction unit.

To assist in predicting fallout patterns they

will utilize fallout computers which mechanize most of the

mathematical procedures involved.
Use of the computers will make
possible rapid forecasts.
Models of the clouds produced by previous large-scale nuclear detonations have been developed, and

these also are expected to improve fallout predictions.
Danger Area

The danger area is generally rectangular in shape and
comprises roughly 390,000 square nautical miles.
It is approxi-

mately the same size as the area used in the 1956 test series,
but its east and west boundaries have been shifted approximately

120 nautical miles to the west.

Except for the test personnel,

there are no inhabitants within the area.

All ships, aircraft and personnel have been cautioned
vO remain clear of the area which 1s bounded by a line joining

the following geographic coordinates:


Select target paragraph3