uly 9, 1976
Utirik, Marsholl Tntlands

rust Territory of the Pacifis

lir, Roper Ray, AM/EUS



U.S. Fnenzy Research and Developnent Adulnistratdon (ERDA)
Kevada Oncrations Offica



Las Veges, Nevada 6911)


Dear Mire Bay:




This letter is fron the chiefs and all of the peonle ja Utirik Atoll.
Zt has now been tyenty-tue yeers since the radioactive fell-out from the bomb,
viich has disturbed the peace end welfare from 195) until.the presente
The doctors from CHDA have told us that thera vere lh -rads in Utirik end

175 rads im Nongalap, therefore, we ore very surorised, because in Utirlk wa
have ton cases of thyroid rodules, three of which wore melignant, But in Rangelep
they have thirty cases of thyroid noduics, end also three cases of malignancy.
Perhans you cen tell us if there is sone wm
planation for the sane muaber of malignant

thyroid cases im Rongelsp and Utirik, who recalved very different levels of,

Adcitionally, wa have many more things to esk, becmise at present ve ere

not heppy with the way things are:



Lo Why is there not a control prow in Utirik?

.a) The peosle of Utirik are different fron the people of Rongelep~—tbsy
ere a different pene pool end breeding populations ©

b) The people of Utirik were exposed to different levels of radiation than
the people of Roncelap—-Utsrik hed 24 rads, end Ronselan had 175 veces.

c) There were different return tizes for the Utirik people and the Rorgelep
peonloa fron Ewajelein (following their evacuati on) in 195h-~the peosls

of Utirik returned to their atoll after three months, and the people
of Rongelan returned to their atoll after three yearse
ad) Would it be correct to say that porhans the Utirik peoplo received nore
than only 14 rads in light of their quics return tins to Utirik?


e) Would 1% be correct to say thet we cen comect nemy mors cases of thyroid
pronless an the Futures?

25 How cone the ERDA coctors told us that there wes just a little bit of radiatior
in Utirik and a lot in Rongelap? That is, why are there the sane mmber
of nelipnens thyroid eloucs in Utdrik as thers are in Longelep?
Jo thy is 1% that tha ERDA doctors do not cxanine the children of the expogsd
Utirik proup?

hie Wy 1s it that the PRDA doctors giva different treatment to the people of
Utirlk then the peonle of Hongvelen? Tray do ret give FLL exscrinueations
to the people of Utirik every yeor, as they do in Rongelep. hhy not?

5S» The people of Utdrik should bs able to choose their own doctors

a) The peoole of Utinik do not liko Br. Kmudsen because ho does rot

weare all of” tho Utirik people, ond looks at the poopie of LUtirik

ar thoy are merely eninals in a seclentific cxperiment,; and further,

5 0 |

3 b q

ho does not provide a "alek call" for the people.
b) ‘hs poopla of Utirik do not like Dr. Conard becouse ha lies to the
_peoploy end hag not helped the people to understand the problong

Select target paragraph3