that they canfromt in regards to the radiation and its effects.

-6, Some years ago, tho ERDA doctere discovered that a number of the Utirik

people had "ay
of the
‘poople bed adult-onset diabetes, and suid that 25%


a} ky haven't tha ERDA doctors given medicines to ths pecnls tho have ths
diseesa in Utdrik (medicines




b) Dr. Konrad Kotrady had asked the Trust Terratory Gov't. (in Kajuro) for
the medicine (Diabinase), and they refused to give hin any for the

people of Utirik, and therefore, ths people with this disease hava not
bsen properly treated.




fo At present, the pecopie of Utirik here mich fesr of the rediatiothet cana
fron the boenb:

Q) Therefore the people of Utdrik feel thse need to have someone care ous

end do o study of Utirik for possible linsering radiations
b) The people of Utirik feal that their errowroot has been dameped as a
result of the radiation. At present the arrowroot Stains measure ora
.foat, whereas before thse radiation they measured five reete
Au you cen see, the people of Utirik area very distressed and anrry es a
result ox the radiation, The pesple feel tuat the ERDA Progrom is in need ar
vast chanres.s


whank you very much,


Atijo Ales - Seriba

filler Key cot

Robart A. Conard, K.D.y ERDA
Rep» Cnarics Doninak, Concresa of Hicronesia
Reps Atnji Delos, Consress of Micronesia
oon, Olympia Forja, Conpreas of Hicronesin

Diste Ade Oscar Dolirum, Marshalis


Fred Zeder, Dopte of Interior (U3)

Seoe Trusteeship Council, United Nations
vonrress Of litcronesia

dolos Kios = Irotj (Chic?)

Select target paragraph3