

below 40 pCi/g.

Reduce the average concentration of the "defined

regicn’’ to some lower number which shall be determined by cost-benefit
considerations, but will usually not be belowlocal background.
(4) Condition D:

An assay area whose average Pu concentration

is any 5 ca thickness of soil below the surface layer when measured®
(at the 67 percent confidence level) to exceed 400 pCi/g will be
excavated end measured iteratively until its average Pu concentration.

in the new S cm layer is found by measurement (at the 50 percent confidence level) to be reduced in the defined region to some lower number
which shall be determined by cost - benefit considerations, but will


usually not be below local background.

Assay Area.

The field of view of the in situ detector in its

normal operating position; typically a 28 meter diameter circle of

3 - 5 cm in cepth.

Scattered measurement can be used to estimate average

concentrations between such measurements by means of a linear estimator
progran known as "'Krigging."
P Statistically, two-thirds of the time the actual concentration will

be below the guide number.

One-third of the time the actual concentration

may exceed the number by some percentage which must be empirically deter-

mined (up to 20-30 percent, as an estimate).


This is similar to using a - ~

50 percent confidence level with a mmerical guide 20-30 percent (estimated)

If a 90 percent confidence level were used with the numerical

guide, the equivalent guide at a 50 percent confidence level would

Select target paragraph3