Internal Aon,of

woman. There was also localized metastasis
into a lymph node. Subsequent studies after
complete ablation of her thyroid gland have
revealed no indication of metastases. The
earlier cases of thyroid abnormalities have
been previously described (10, 13).
I would like now to say a few words

about thyroid abnormalities as related to

growth retardation in the children. As I

indicated earlier, we had long been puzzled
as to why these children had showna slight
degree of retardation in growth. We knew

that the Japanese children had been reported to have someslight retardation, par-

ticularly the male Japanese children at
Hiroshima, but that picture was confused
by such factors as physical and psychic

trauma and nutritional deficiencies. We felt,

FicurE 12. Microscopic section of nodule in Figure 7 showing infolding of epithelium in hyper-

plastic follicle. (Hematoxylin-eosin, x 150.)

that the bone dose in the case of the Mar-t
shallese children was too smal! to account}

for any direct effect on epiphyseal growth.

Ficure 13. Section showing invasion by metastatic papillary and follicular carcinoma of the

thyroid into blood vessel (Case 6#). (Elastic, x 100.)

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