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Papers, 1953-61 -

(Ann Whitman file)

Mr. Cutler then called on Secretary Anderson and Mr. Brundage to ex-

plain why they felt that it was desirable to include the bracketed
language in paregraph 2é-c.

Secretary Anderson said that he simply felt that there wes

a definit limit to whet the United Stetes could afford to do by way

of assistance world-wide, and that therefore we ought not to contribute grant aid or nake soft loans to Australia or New Zealand. He did
not mind, however, lending these countries soft currencies as opposed
to granting them soft loans.

Mr. Brundage said that his reason for desiring the bracketed

language stemmed from his fear that if this language were now left out,
people at some future time might cite this paragraph as justification
for U. S. grant aid to Australia or to New Zealand.

Secretary Herter feared that if this brecketed Jenguage rereined in the paper, our hands would be tied over the indefinite future,
though for the foreseeable future he agreed that wa had no intention of
otfering grant aid to these countries, or soft loans. Mr. Brundage replied that we could, of course, aliezys change our policy if events seme
day indicated that we should provide grant aid or soft loans to Australia and New Zealand.
Secretary Wilson said that he agreed with the views of Secretary Herter, and adied that the tine might well ccme when we need
Australia and New Zealand more than we need them now.
Mir. Cutler inquired of Secretzry Anderson and I. Brundage

nether, In view of woat ves stated on p2ge 14 in the "Finerctial fppendix Note" as to our not anticinating any significant expenditures

in Austrelia or New Zealand, there was real need for including the
teacxeted language in paragraph 22-c. Secretary Anderson replied
that he didn't care very much one vey or another, although he still
was a little worried as to whet the words of this paregreph night
neuen to officials of this Government vho were not avare of the views
of che members of the Covncil on this issue.

Secretary Anderson then

agreed to leave out the bracketed phrase provided the Record of Action irdicated the Treasury's concern. He merely wented to be sure
thet mo official of this Govermment informed the Australians that
they could cat a soft loan from the United States.






Gray sugcested, es an alternative to Secretary Ander-

son's proposal, that the "Note" on pege 14 be added to thetext fol-

loving paregraph e2-c.

This proposal met with general agreement.

The National Security Council:

Discussed the draft statement of policy on the subject
eontained in Ns¢ 5713/1, in the light of the views of



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