Adjutant General
Task Unit 2
(UCRL, Livermore, Calif.)


Adjutant General
Task Unit 3


(WETD, Sandia Base)

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Adjutant Generals



Forward Areas

(APO's 105 and 437)

Total travel orders issued

1505 (covering 2665

A new system for MATS "reservations" was initiated during Hardtac!

which greatly simplified the flow of personnel through the ports of embark

tion (Travis and Hickam) and decreased the time losses experienced durin
past operations. Individual reservations were made by telephone to the lis
son officer at Travis, or by wire message to the liaison officer at Hickar
and each individual was given the reporting time and departure schedule w
his travel order brochure.
Task Group 7.1 Administrative Plan No. 1-57 was published on Nove
ber 1, 1957, and its subsequent distribution to all AEC, Contractor, and D
agencies who were to participate in Hardtack provided the necessary admi
istrative procedures required of the individual and the organization for mc
ment into the Forward Area. In addition, a pamphlet titled "Instructions
Information for Personnel departing for the EPG" was published and attac!
to each set of travel orders. Several of the participating agencies publist
additional instructions which covered their own institutional procedures.
Organizationally, the participating units, in compliance with procedur
outlined in the Administrative Plan, submitted to the appropriate Adjutant
General for each individual a Request for Civilian Travel Orders, or a Re
quest for Overseas Travel Orders, a Badge Request Form, an Identificatic
Card Request Form, and a certificate of personnel clearance under the pr

visions of CinCPac Serial 020.

The complete packet of orders and allied

papers was duplicated and distributed by the cognizant adjutant and return:
to the individual or agency.
All arrivais at Eniwetok Atoll (Eniwetok Isiand for air passengers, i
dividual ships for surface passengers) were met by J-1 representatives.
Security badges, liquor ration cards, and radiological safety film badges u
issued at those points, and contraband certificates were signed.
Efficiency of the Task Group 7.1 port of embarkation operation at £&)
wetok Island was greatly improved during Hardtack. Incoming passengers
were processed expeditiously and were on site within Eniwetok Atoll, enro
to Bikini, or billeted overnight, if necessary, for further transportation to
Bikini Atoll within 2 hours. This one element of the operation, previously
marred by lengthy, repetitious security briefings and baggage checks for
contraband, considerably eased inter~Task Group relations after the long 3
exhausting trip from the homestation.
The movement of Task Group 7.1 equipment from conti
nental United States was accomplished through the facilities of MSTS, the
U.S. Navy, and MATS.

Select target paragraph3