USS Boxer and USNS Ainsworth proceeded to their assigned areas of opera-

tion approximately 30 miles south of Enyu.

Communications were thoroughly

tested, but only token evacuation of personnel was directed and carried out.
On —4 day, Joint Task Force Seven held a rehearsal of Umbrella,
including positioning of ships, lowering the dummy device, token evacuation
from ships of the target array, and a complete test of communications.


was the last full scale rehearsal at the EPG.
In preparation for each shot, Task Group 7.1 held numerous dry runa

of the timing and firing systems. The runs were normally conducted twice
a day or more often until resulta were satisfactory, then once a day through
shot time or postponement. At least one full power dry run and one "hot"
dry run, when appropriate, were conducted prior to each shot. At Eniwetok,
there were 88 such runs during a typical month of the firing period.
In addition, projects, programs, and task units conducted many rehearsals of operations of particular importance to them, especially where
there was some question of safety, feasibility, best technique, stand-by methods, and length of time required if time was critical. The Commander,
TG 7.1, also held many communications and frequency interference checks.
These signal runs, project rehearsals, and communications checks were
of the utmoat importance to CTG 7.1 and to the successful completion of the
scientific missions,



The major portion of the administration and coordination

for orderly movement of individuals from the numerous duty stations and

places of employment to the EPG was accomplished by the Adjutant Generai's
Section and the liaison officers at Travis and Hickam Air Force Bases.
All military and Department of Defense civilian personnel (except DOD
contract civilians) were moved commercially to Travis Air Force Base, and
by Military Air Transport Service from Travis through Hickam to Eniwetok.
Exceptions to this were the movement of a few of these individuals by Military Sea Transport vessels and the authorization for use of commercial air
to Hawaii by Naval Research Laboratory DOD civilians. All AEC and DOD
contract civilians normally traveled commercially to Hawaii and entered the
MATS or MSTS system at that point.
During Operation Hardtack, a portion of the travel order issuing responsibility was separated from the Adjutant General at the Headquarters,
Task Group 7.1, and delegated to Assistant Adjutants at the University of
California Radiation Laboratory (TU-2) and the Weapons Effects Test Division,
Sandia Base (TU-3).
These assistant adjutants were responsible for writing
orders and making necessary arrangements for the movement overseas of
the personnei of these two major Task Units. This decreased considerably
the work load at the headquarters, where the Adjutant General continued the
order-issuing support of Task Units 1, 4, 5, and 6 and the Headquarters.
The number of travel orders issued during the operation is as follows:
Issuing Office


Adjutant General
Task Group 7.1


Los Alamos, N. M.


Select target paragraph3