Teletype and Mail Service.

On February 2, 1958, the Task Group 7.1

Mail and Records Section for Operation Hardtack opened at Parry Island,
Eniwetok. On February 15, 1958, a branch office was opened at Enyu Island,
Bikini. On June 15, 1958, another office was opened at Johnston Island.

Civilian and military personnel were used to man the three offices. The
maximum strength at Parry Island was nine; at Enyu Island it was two; and
at Johnston Island it was five. The Parry Island office was open 24 br a
day, seven days a week throughout the operation, and the other two offices
were open from 0700 until 2400 hr seven days a week.
Teletype service was furnished at all locations for the entire Task

Group and accounted for the greatest portion of the total work load. During
Hardtack, the following listed teletype traffic was processed by the three


Classified Outgoing
Clasaified Incoming

Unciassified Outgoing

Unclassified Incoming




The Task Group Mail and Records Section normally handied official cor-

respondence only for LASL.

However, service was provided for non-LASL

unita until these organizations had their mail system in operation.
mail was handled in a similar manner.


A daily pouch was sent between the mail rooms at Eniwetok and Bikini


This service was available to all units of the Task Group and pro-

vided an expeditious means of transmitting unclassified and classified (up to
and including Secret RD) correspondence between sites. A similar service
was provided between Eniwetok Atoll and Johnston Isiand on the weekly re-

flector flight and on the MATS flight which stopped there once a week.

A Task Group Reading File was maintained by the Parry Isiand office.

This file consisted of copies of outgoing correspondence and teletypes and

was circulated among the headquarters staff sections.
Communications at Eniwetok Proving Ground. The Commander of TG

7.5 provided TG 7.1 with all the long and short range communications includ-

ing cryptographic service. The individual projects were responsible for installation, maintenance, and operation of all scientific electronic equipment.

Task Group 7.1 had approximately 13 voice nets including the Eniwetok-

Bikini-Boxer ciphony system. The primary net was the Command Net, which
was used by the Staff Sections and Task Unit Commanders. In addition, each
Task Unit had its own individual net. Two neta were reserved for calibration purposes and proved to be of great value.
The major nets were serviced by a repeater station which was located
on towers at 150-ft leveis at each atoll. The installation of antennas began
in early February 1958 and radio sets were installed upon the users' request
after arrival in March 1958.
The JTF 7 Weather Detachment provided communications to the following off-atoll scientific sites: Kusaie, Kwajalein, Rongelap, Utirik, Ujelang,

and Wotho.

Wake Island was serviced by the CAA at Wake.

In addition, the

respective off-atoll projects provided their own communications links between
their respective sites. Drill messages were sent in April 1958 to provide
training to all off-atoll sites.
A radio silence requirement during all shot times was established by

Select target paragraph3