
The arming party made final preparations at the zero area and

connected the device to the firing system when directed by the Task Group
6, Disarming was accomplished by disconnecting the device from the
firing system and returning the zero area to normal dry run conditions.
These functions were carried out whenever the event was delayed for periods
requiring access to the danger areas by other personnel.

During the Hardtack operation all shots were armed and detonated
successfully, although disarming was required many times when the weather
forced delay of shot and one time due to a technical failure at -15 min to

zero time.

Arming books were prepared on each shot and will be available for

reference purposes in the Hardtack 7.1 files in the Records Management
Section at LASL. These data books contain check sheets, pictures, and a

dry run log.
1, The check sheets are for the compatability test, interlock test, and

arming procedures.

2. The pictures show the layout at the zero aite of the device and associated firing equipment immediately prior to the departure of the arming
3. The dry run log provides a record of the number of dry runs for
each event and the checks, calibration, and repairs of the firing components

through the final run.
Based on the experience during Hardtack, the following recommendations
are worth noting:
The Pinex barge weapon cabs did not provide sufficient space to
comfortably accommodate the shot components and the working personnel. If
this type of barge is utilized in the future, it is suggested that more space
be provided for working room and equipment installation.
2. In consideration of reliability and shot preparation time, an attempt
should be made by the organizations concerned to further standardize the
arming and firing components.
3. Every effort should be made to limit the number of personnel present at the zero sites, especially during initial setup and dry run periods.
Personnel were sometimes called upon to work long, exhausting
hours under adverse conditions. The possible gain should be carefully weighed
against personnel safety and well-being, and the use of such practices should
be minimized.


Task Group 7.1 was assigned the following communications responsibil-

ities by CJTF 7 for Operation Hardtack.

Provide, operate, and maintain special communications - electronic
required for conduct of scientific test programs.
Initiate the voice time broadcasts for all elements of the Task
Coordinate special communications requirements originating by sub-

ordinate task units.


Prepare a TG 7.1 telephone directory for the EPG and Johnston


Select target paragraph3