5.6.1 “Dose Estimates

Estimates of doses that individuals in the Enewetak Atoll population

may incur after they have resettled on the atoll are presented for various

alternative programs in Tables 5-6 and 5-7. In both tables, the dose
estimates are given for the whole body, the bone (mineral) and the lungs.

These estimates are based on information contained in the AEC Radiological
Survey of Enewetak Atoll, NVO-140, 1973 and in the AEC ‘Task Group
Report, June 19, 1974.
Particular considerations in calculating these dose estimates are:


No contribution to dose is assumed from groundwater since it
will be monitored and will not be used unless it meets established
guidelines for radioactive and nonradioactive impurities.
Bone marrow dose estimates are not given because the ratio-of

bone marrow dose to the AEC guidelines of 0.25 rem/yr is

essentially the same as the ratio of mineral bone dose estimates

to the AEC guideline of 0.75 rem/yr.

The bagis for this

conclusion derives from observing that when
Sr deposition is
the principal source of bone and bone marrow exposure, as on
Enewetak, it is traditionally accepted that the marrow dose is
one-third the bone dose,
AEC data show that contributions due.
to sources other than
Sr do not add significantly to bone or
bone marrow dose estimates. Consequently, it makes no
significant difference whether bone or bone marrow is the organ
used for radiological hazard analysis since dose estimates and
dose guidelines occur in essentially the same ratio, 3 to l
respectively, for the two organs.

Separate dose estimates are not provided for the traditionally
more sensitive members of the population (fetus and newborn).
The AEC Task Group Report (Tab B, Vol. 2 of the EIS) and

.NVO-140, page 505, show that calculations based on the most
sensitive individual do not result in significant differences in
close estimates.


The dose estimates are maximums expected in the population
for an individual free to move about and eat foods obtained
within the restrictions of each habitation plan/cleanup action
combination, These estimates are developed to provide a means
for estimating radiological health effects and risks for each
combination of interest. Dose estimates for individuals subjected
to more restrictive and adverse combinations of habitation and


Select target paragraph3