
Removal of plutonium contaminated soil from Boken, Lujor,
and Runit and the removal of plutonium crypts on Aomon.


Scraping and removalof 10 cm of soil from Lujor and Kirunu,
14 cm of soil from Bokombako, and 47 cm from Bokoluo.


Scraping and removal of 30 cm of soil from areas where
pandanus and breadfruit would be grown on Enjebi, Alembel,
Aomon, Bijire, Lojwa, Lujor, Aej, Ananij and Runit.


Scraping and Removal of 15 cm of soil where commercial
coconut crops will be grown on the same islands.


Scraping and removal of 15 cm of soil in other subsistence
agricultural areas on Enjebi.


Replacing soil from scraped areas with at least equal depths
of imported soil. Conclusions. Case 5 is clearly more difficult and more expensive
than the other cases as it requires removal and replacement of much more
soil in the cleared areas (Case 3: 79,000 cu yds; Case 4:

318,000 cu yds;

Case 5: 779,000 cu yds). Consideration of the actions in Case 5asa
viable alternative is clouded by uncertainties regarding the exposure
reduction that can be achieved through partial soil removal and selective
soil replacement. In view of these considerations and the additional high
cost of the operation, Case 5 is not recommended as a course of action.
Several considerations are treated quantitatively here to assist in
selecting a suitable course of action in cleanup and rehabilitation of
Enewetak Atoll and in resettlement of the Enewetak on the atoll. These
considerations include estimated dose and the associated radiological

risk and the financial costs of alternative programs. The effectiveness of
each alternative program in reducing the estimated potential population
radiological dose are evaluated by calculating whole body, bone, and lung
dose for each program (see Paragraph 5.6.1). These doses are estimated
on two time bases: a 30-year dose and a maximum annual dose. Relative
values of radiological risks for each alternative program is estimated in
Paragraph 5.6.2. Estimates of the financial costs of selected alternative
programs and associated disposal methods are discussed in Paragraph 5.6.3.


Select target paragraph3