Case 4 - Living on Southern Islands and Enjebi; Subsistance and
Commerical Crops on Southern Islands and, Under Controlled


Conditions, on Enjebi;

Material, Soil and Some Plutonium Cleanup

Assuming the effectiveness of the corrective measures to be suggested,

Case 4 would still result in annual and 30-year gonadal doses {Task Group

Report, 1974) at or above the ERDA guidelines for those who would live on

Enjebi, and would be well above those predicted for Case 3. The success of
this case would depend upon the following factors (Figure 5-4):

Importation of food for the Enjebi inhabitants. While this is
the most dependable method, it would be a long-term burden
on the driEnjebi which would eventually become objectionable
to them.


Removal of soil and replacement with imported soil. This
method is not as certain a safeguard against internal exposure
as the importation of food, but in theory it is possible that it
would reduce the dose from pandanus and breadfruit to levels
comparable to those found on the southern islands. All this
depends upon providing sufficient imported soil to encompass
the entire root system of the mature trees, and that factors do,

not exist which would lead to recontamination. In any event,
there is reasonable doubt that safe levels could be attained by
soil replacement alone.

The water supply for these crops must not have radioactivity
levels higher than those in the southern islands. Wtrenserded

Casectsconditimas, Pieactienc-comprising,Case 4 would
be as fellexs:

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or, Habitation Plan. If the cleanup actions to“be described in
Paragraph should prove to be as effective as predicted, the
Enjebi people could be permitted to return to their island with the following
conditions applying:

Residence would be restricted to the southern islands, Jinedrol


Pandanus and breadfruit would be cultivated in the south and in


Other subsistence crops, e.g., arrowroot, papaya, etc., would
be grown only in the south and on Enjebi.

through Kidrenen and Enjebi.

imported soil on Enjebi (Paragraph


Select target paragraph3