recommends that studies be conducted as follows:

A test planting program on Enjebi to determine when exposure

would be within acceptable criteria without the removal of soil.
A program to determine radioactivity levels in coconut and

other food crops produced on Lujor, Kirunu, Bokojuo, Bokombako,

and Runit (after plutonium cleanup).

As an alternate to the preceding program, soil removal on
Enjebi, followed by a test planting series to determine whether
exposure for Enjebi residents would be within acceptable
criteria. _

The assembly of a team of experts to make and interpret field
yadiation and activity measurements, advise on cleanup actions
involving plutonium and other radionuclides, and provide
necessary health physics support for protection of workers,
decontamination of workers and equipment, and packaging and
handling of collected contaminated materials. It is recommended
that this program be conducted under the auspices of ERDA.
A comprehensive underground water lens sampling and analysis
program for a minimum period of ] year. Bacterial content,
salinity, and radionuclide content would be measured every
twelve months. However, the primary emphasis would be on
the development of understanding those processes which are

operating or can be made to operate to reduce the ecological

half-life of 9 Sr and +3’Cs5 below the radioactive half-life on
the northern islands.

Case 3 reasonably insures a safe habitation plan for the proposed
return of the islanders and provides a means of eventual improvement
of the environment for the benefit of all of the Enewetak people. Further,
the controlling criteria for radiation exposure developed by the AEC Task
Group can be best met by this particular alternative. This is most likely
to provide the lowest possible exposure in accordance with accepted

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HOT RTT, a ongtmngerE

In addition to the quarantine of Runit, (Paragraph, Case 3


Select target paragraph3