material. During the disposal operations, Lacrosse crater (and Cactus
crater if necessary) would be protected from tidal currents and wind
generated waves by temporary dikes. Conus Disposal.

This term designates the procedure of

disposing of radioactive materials in the continental United States. These
materials, including soils, would be sealed in containers and shipped

‘from the atoll to one of the low-grade disposal areas in the western part
of the United States. There are two radioactive waste burial areas which
have been identified in the western United States, both near Richland,

Washington. One is operated by the AEC for waste from the AEC's
Richland operations, but which does not accept offsite-generated waste. The
other is operated by a private firm licensed by the State of Washington.
Under proposed regulations, this latter burial ground may not be permitted
to accept plutonium-contaminated waste.
If either of these sites were available to receive the plutonium
bearing soil and radioactive debris from Enewetak, they could be reached
by a combination of ocean, Columbia River,

railroad, and truck transports.

This method would move the contaminated material away trom the atoll,

however, it has serious disadvantages. The procedural or legal difficulties
could be considerable and the cost would be approximately three times ,

that of crater containment (Table 5-18).

Transport ofthis material by vessel would be required to comply
with current regulations (46 CFR 146.19).

Possible combinations of residence, agriculture and cleanup levels

were examined. Some combinations were found to be mutually exclusive
and others were rejected for basic deficiencies. Of those remaining, a
matrix was constructed, Table 5-5, and five combinations chosen for


detailed analysis of dose reduction, health effects, cost and general
.acceptability. These five, identified as "cases"! are indicated in Tables~Ga_ x
and discussed in detail in the following sections.

Nel ae re

The matrix arrangement is such that the following trends are

The level of cleanup effort increases from top to bottom.


Restrictions on living conditions and agricultural practices


increase from left to right.

The level of population dose decreases from top to buttom.



Select target paragraph3