have the disadvantage that the crater area would have to be quarantined
for an indefinite period.

Also, it is not in keeping with the expressed

desire of the Enewetak people that all contaminated items be removed
from the atoll.

Although the cost of crater dumping is approximately only 5% of

the crater entombment procedure described later, it has bean rejected
from further consideration as the contaminated materials


t potential threat to the safety of the Enewetak people. The debrisladen craters would require continuous surveillance and policing to
enforce a quarantine on the area which would be necessary for the safety
of the atoll population. In addition, the craters would be neither lined
nor capped in this option and there would be nothing to prevent the
migration of the radionuclides into ocean and lagoon waters through
cracks and fissures in the crater walls, or to prevent redistribution on
land as a result of wave action or storms. Crater Containment. Crater containment also utilizes the
Runit craters for disposal but with additional measures taken to prevent
human contact with the radioactive material, or the entry of the material

into the food chain. The crater bottoms and sides would be sealed with ,
concrete. The plutonium contaminated soil would then be mixed with
cement and water to form a soil~cement slurry which would be placed in
the crater. Radioactive debris would be dumped into the lined crater
along with the slurry. This would be done in such a manner that erosive
water velocities are held to the lowest practicable level in order to
reduce the transport potential of the plutonium in the soil. Crater

containment also has the further advantages of:


Reducing the availability of small contaminated particles and
contaminated scrap by binding them in a cementations matrix.

Providing a coating for the sand and plutonium particles to
shield and reduce the hazards of alpha emissions.

.Dispersing the radioactive material within disposal criteria in

a relatively uniform manner within the larger mass of material


Placing the material in a semipermanent location where it would
be least available to man but where it could be observed and
retrieved if necessary or desirable.

It should be noted that the containment is not required nor intended
_ to be leak proof. An 18-inch thick concrete cap or lid would be placed
over the entire mass for erosion resistance and to seal off the radioactive



Select target paragraph3