the person lives on the island from July 1981 up to July 1991.

The first

The fourth assumption will in most cases

overestimate the time spent on the northern islands away from Rongelap the
main island of the atoll. According to Na 81, a person typicaliy spends
several weekser year visiting the other islands of Rongelap Atoll. These
dose estimate#indicate a person should be restricted from year-round subsistence on fagfrom several northern islands, if one follows the recommended

dose limits of ICRP 26.
Although the significant figures in Table 3 are shown
out to two places, these estimates are considered accurate only to one

ea. od

three assumptions are reasonable.

significant figure due to the wide variation of biological and dietary

Conclusions and Recommendations

From the data and the literature which have been examined, it can be
concluded that restrictions concerning the eating of coconut crab from all

islands of Rongelap Atoll have been recommended by various authorities to the

Rongelap people from time to time.
Additionally, very limited habitation of
and subsistence from the northern islands had been recommended by knowledge-

able persons who visited the island of Rongelap in the past.

Based on the data available to us, future use of Lomuilal, Rongelap,

Eniaetak, Gabelle, and Labaredj Islands should be unrestricted.


gathering and eating of coconut crab from all islands of Rongelap Atoll should
be unrestricted.


Dose estimates for Naen, Gejin, Kabelle, Yugui and Aerik indicate the

potential for greater than 500 mrem per year for red-marrow or whole-body
dose-equivalent commitment over the next 10 year period, thus further analysis
is recommended.
The analysis should determine the amount of coconut presently
available on these islands and the mean exposure rate.
It should be possible

to determine this from results of the 13 atoll survey.

If the analysis

indicates a person could subsist on a community A type (Na 81) diet of island
grown coconuts and coconut tree products, then a diet primarily made up of

imported food should be required for any full time residents of these islands.

From our data on Naen, the island with largest residual activity, a person can

presently subsist four months a year from locally grown food and still remain
below the ICRP 26 dose limit. Cultivation of coconut trees for future copra
production on these islands should be possible now, since a seven year delay

will occur before the coconut palms begin to bear fruit.

I hope this information is complete enough for your needs.

Should you


require further, details, I will be pleased to attempt to provide them.


Best regards,

Edson T dessond.
Edward T. Lessard

Marshall Islands Radiological
Safety Program Director


B. Wachholz


Select target paragraph3