h ete ee » TELECOPY TO DOE ~ Tetecopter Wo, 353-5140 $127, ane49 79e.0 s P OT0. RERGY 1979 APR EY Attention: Dr. Broce Machholtz,D.0-E., Washington, D. C. : Prom: ee Ea ate wrk: U365 Dteatad Mefaro Marshall Ielands To: Sec. State, Salat Pan re peene rane Pee ro aon Laren Tee ER WintereeeeTCL rt) tndeel a) eae ate eae He spelPeete. a nAa Py a6 RAR Te ERR hee a 4 pe Sot ee en I Seg Rl pe es oy store BEL EY ‘ de : NOAA on a be tet 8 Tae. fede fsen me eiB Aas Hae case lyote oe Pasx to DOTA DOL and OMSH. | p : . Recent world wide wedia coverage of three mile islands nuclear wecident anit the subsequent concern of White Bouse and Congress for bealth 1 Fi a a > and eafety of affected residents bas once agein focosed attention of an Merehallewe wictime of muclear teeting on current and potential medical r seo eoctal problems which are directly attribatable to American nuciear teate in the NMareballs. We have been asked to urge immediate consideration ‘ a of the United Stetes Gorermeent to releses any and all information which Ul. 2) wty beax on the welfsre of the people of the Marsballa affected by the 5 Mavabalis cediological earvey, we with to request that appropriate respoose eat iy 7 Rh i ry An 5 tests. In addition to a full report on the recently comducted Kortbern ~ be’ given to the following prior to the Key Trosteesiip Coaoncil meeting: 5 PEs * } ae 8 fo PE TOL ee Apr : a Bx ot 1, Why were the people of Likiep left our of radiological and xe Ve. . medical earveys in spite of alarming increase in occurrence of thyroid vy : -dtinegses and other cancer cases! | roe 2. Exactly what was meant by referral of Dr. Conard‘a team to Ss “naturally bigh incidence of goiter amongst deecendants of early Baropeen - wettlers in the Northern Narshalls” in commection with potential Likiep . wictinet BEST COPY AVAILABLE: CREE I NL gH ATT OPE, BAST cee hoy Fe ee te UREA TR 40 1267