
3. April 15 article in Hougluly Star Bulletin end Advertiner by
BALL Curry (Washington Post Service) alleges coverup of ABC studies on

thyreid cancer and leukemia Linkage to exposure. How were the Narthelis
effected by auch coverups and documents available for fuspectica by


vA. wid the United States object to third country observation of

gna participation in futuce medical exaxinetioes of affected Northern
2 Marshes vesideats end analysis of results and isplications of Marthera

Marshalt xadiatiog earveyt
"-S. WELL che United States once ead for all wattle the cont inning

* were moved back, only to be subsequently relocated due te high Lewels of
Kow reports indicate Eneu wey be eafe For habitation omce eeain

. ocnektnd
Ling bopa of repatriation within thea exiled (Population.

this end?

When will


6. In view of new findings end renewed feams, sbould the entire


me : radiation.

Baerotak sttuxtica be reviewed 7 Gould we ibe enwit ingly leading an



- . woonepenting community te, maclear doont

Further, we would request that becretary Schlesinger ani the highest

“Dor offintal responsibla for the nuclear activities of the United Staces

E UL [8 da the Merabali Islands, including the clean-up, gurveyx, caging medical

BS exmeiuations, etc. be avatlablefor discosstons with the Karshallese



debates for Rikinf as to its exfety. Onte it was declared safe, residents

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