


Tt is considered tart, according to the Nishixawa method,
the vate of mobility of the sperm for 4a healthy Japanese edult
is 70-1005.
All the examined instances shoved that the rate was subnorval,

Zsrecially, the fact that in 17 of the 24 exs-inations

the rate was below 103 indicited a oronovnced cise of necro-


Deformity of spermatozoa.
spermatozoa, exe ination
2s made under the microscope by using speciziens stained hy

the wright, Yon tana Method, while some fresh speci-ens vere
“yardnod under a nhase cen

The rercentaze o


spermatozoa aefurnity for a healtry

Jananzs2 cdvult is less than 155,
In the exarined instances the percentages were above 20%,
Defor:ity was specially noticeable in the heads of the spermatozoa,

‘Lich ware defective, dwarf, ciant or dicephalous.

Cnly in the

cases Vhere the number of spermatozoa were less than 1,000,
it vas difficult to calculate the percentaze of deformity.



These Bikini victins showed a notable decrease in

the murber and mobility of spermatozoa as well as the deformity
of sperzatozea, oligozocospermia and necrcspermia.


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