


Tha he-ring was conyered at 10°C and fale *Tojact Pirector Eebert sans

nace a snort introductory a> och, va stated tuat:tha tegts will iels crotect tis

bpLD +e “Pj Tiere wuld ba no Loa. vais evfscts frou tha program, effects on th@

environient. ld stusd tis tls is sue syinion of sc.ontifie eamurtsceLOrie

2) So, 1204 WiLL now slow up to renabilibation program and tie roti of
the paomle to unevetac.

3) The entire PACS orrsreaa will ba done before the cleamip of the atoll.
Adcditicnal slices and movies wore

than show.

Practically all of t13 ae2-Lla ca“Ens micienes, which included “he uajority of

the comunity incsluciny: ts two ciieaia ama una vlectad officials ana avolk
lesdsrs , bac £23 sting 4atAA £.0l* in front or tisir tocies, civher in

theirs hacds or around tlair necks. This was ebviausly a raainder, ad reine

foreenant of yesterday's dsnonctratiode

Pietures were glow of crillin; holes, of cratars, crossesaction of surface
Ghots (axplosions) and Gricfin-s of 3a:a6 (uch of this was obvi-usly irrelevant
and mogminzloss to tia -.cople wun were obviously con¢ermed with thy dazacts
and d23 Mmction taegy wara vieviny, moe tio "aedentiiics Yo2ultse

This concluced tie supnjecs of atu I. sammy thon disecusscu AGS il. Thia, he
Bhid,consists of a scrius of hich ex>losive chars“23, 80 Wa Can d3e tos eirects

.om SMewetck teolocy so wa

Shots <n
A member
19 Siida

om Clnueare it With t.3 arveocts of orevious nueclaar

dnevetac and tn2 affects of nish a.cblosivs cuits eleswusru.
of slides were trun S.om. Tuasa includad tne rallevin.::
of Avan Island (tas. 31t3) as it was durin; the a clacr tests, a
isl:md without ve stasien, 2) 2zontm in Lyv/(L ierera “405 bovan, covera:

With yazgstation, 3) 2suan in lysu ssfore Avec, desolaia, uy) “ts tostiny wives
in A;ril L772 wien ths eneyatax leacara and overs overtlaw snovetak Atoll,
Ta? exclosions cut in cround, slids of 3 oncehald ton enarze, showin bond;

S) Yast bed on Aouwin, giowiny Lar:a aveavation, 0} i106 (exalosion) -oing of,
onz=nalf ton charse, 3) rauvar nola ) innsaiately after exzlosiou, d}Larce

crater filled switn water, 9) AuscSn on Janelv73, desolate, smo inv test bed
wi ch saterials Laxen oub OL tn3 Lar-se @xccvation anu placed elssuers on
the island. cness.wars rollowed br slidas of chorzes dstonated _.n tia
Continental . esever 13 GsLOraio aorles Cunsistin? of JebLyS ton, aid 2-26

ton snows (2xcbosiong), site usad for grainy; cantla, sot soins orf.

Henny ninimisec show eects 23 if bo reissura the acdienca. 7. now show
you tha 3122 of “A035 crater to snow ;:-u how suall they are as conparad to
Large craters. Vhe Laster Lacre craters one ailea across, from t.2 nuclear

tests os L552, tha one wa want to study, to commara With Pics crators,ci¢e

the whole tenor of this dis: .ssion or cascripsion of tae testa and slices
was to niniaize the es.iuz or channad 7A.g tests.

HNenny continusc and stated tnat thea reasinins tests te ba done, ifine Throw,

Wilk laava craters 4G! ueap ad SCco!l across, Lika tie

Cactus Crater fa

nuclear ust crater). This proposed event/ “aa tae axcloaions are sucneaistic=
ally calle207 amu all othors are hivh exolosive shovSe

Of 2h events 12 ranain to be coucleted. ihe proposed suots Lirad ars small


wee ee

Select target paragraph3