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The field trip ship #/7 nek
Like: tale arrivad at Ujilaz at 1300 on 3/2:713
and anchored ort wae vYIbis
LJ2RaNS islan

Alioss immediately a:tor vals aboat Lloauad mea Usilem: Lleadcars cana Alon
and tha men come amoard sh
“Eye Ware all drgcsed itn their best clothin: md

each ona had a Larse wroen can.mand st™

Img around nis nack. Thess said

WRIAWA TACS® CACS Ls BL). This was trongbasnod by mika and oLuerg Fox tha
bpemacit of tae raAcS personnel ilo vera on cick waiting ta go acnors. ihoir

Laces showse “heir surcriss aci cLoconritura.
hand wera caim, cool, and coll-vlad.

Tha Cjilams mum on the


Tne first croup of tia Field arty sergon.ol wont ashore on the first boate -

Those were asiinisty tion cersonuel and ire: obai't Rlatd,y and MLS cersom.ole
A larce @recn nace fro: pala Lisves and bean srected om the beach. A larzs
green cardsoa
ard Si:m 2b ti.2 too of tue arch »rocLaijzed “Jalcoia to vjilange
Yokwa.8 tha two iroifj (c.2efs) Jouus)] and Lorondi stood ay tne haed of a

lons Line of rooply au tus entrances of tne arca and cath to tie council
bous@. nveryone in t..2 comiinisty (over 3CO reonla) small children, baves in

srnis on up to alderlb: ~iocle vwsea nacsed in front of the aren ond on both
sla23 of the bon; linwu path. Shey oblb had tue sais| 94.938 uns around binsir
everyons snook hatds courtaously as wa nroceaded up to the cotncil houdga.
There was & rasline or Roce ef G2tamanabicn wiich pravailed taroushout our
visit to 0a co.uunity.

Tas rout of tua party (tie PACS personnel), and others) arrived aid went
throuvh tna sana precedure.

it was decided by thea Ujilsn: Leaders to meot with tuair Lecal acvissra ¢.L5

pursonnol} anid “Lon for to3 meostines with ACS nergonmasl. Tha, acread that
the “AC glida =nd moviga Trosentation ¥o.ld ba waca at 1200, ari
nd to a possible

moestinz tha followinz Gije

It was very oovio $s to ue, in obsarving mad talking with the Ujilanz peonls,
that their alsads had bem made up, buat they would wnanisousLy rejact Tac.
The slice vresentation and movie was shown in tae evenines roa 2°(0 to 23CC.

stuch of iS Saaqied to be irrolevent to ms ag well a3 renbtitious to the noint

of Doredome Ho questions were soked py the auctoenca and ins meebiny; was
adjoumed until toe naxt cay.

I went ashore at

60.0 to walk aro.nd the villace, obssrve, and senile ovinAons.

Tha plan to aake anc
wear 422 "LEAYA SACS" sims originated from tua lecal
co:maunity 1 was told by a miaiboer of -eankd.s 26 ons ifdicat-d@ aaysnin7towna
soneas fownaa told tat fotr meotings vere oesld orior te tho arrival of th

Rulilkelatax to decide t.a bast war to handle the gituation, to caionstrate
the visazorovak of $29 VACE Provrsa py toa Ujilanz (answatak ) Conumity.
The usy of tue sizns was decidad te be the wor to exorasa this disacoroval
to toe SAGE porsonnmel tron tha berinning of their visit to the und.

Y asked osonkea what their reartion to tha slidss sham the vravious ni tht
WaSe iiey ALL Said they Lalt Sreas sorraw("slay Luroud{"Jand distreaz bucsuse
of ths castrmction of tie islaids, the fesbinys os vho Veonle ig couplately
negative towara tho "ACS fromaa. Shoy dislike what it nas con® so far to



tasir islands and rsuar wnat is planned.

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