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The 8 M HCL-actinide solution is washed into a 250-ml separatory
funnel with 8 M HCL and 10 drops of 30% Ho0o are added.
25 ml of 10% purified TIOA-Xylene solution is added to the funnel
and sheten for greater than 10 seconds.

Drain and discard the

lower aqueous phase.

10. Wash the organic phase with a 25-ml addition of 8 M HCL by shaking
for an additional 10 seconds.

Drain and discard the lower aqueous


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VW. Plutonium is back extracted into 25 ml of 8 MHCL - .05 M NHgl
solution at 50-80 C by shaking for 1 minute and draining and
saving the lower aqueous phase.

12. Neptunium is back extracted into 25 ml of 4 N HCL-.02 N HF with
shaking for one minute.

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13. Uranium is back extracted into 25 ml of an 0.1 M HCL solution
with one minute of shaking.
The back extraction steps are repeated a second time in each case;
the two extractions are combined, evaporated to dryness, and


14, One ml of conc. HaS0,4 is added to the residue, which is: then
heated until white vapors appear.
20 ml of distilled water is added.

The beaker fs cooled and about
One or two drops of a 5%

Thymol Blue indicator solution (in ethanol) is added with

The red color is made yellow by the addition of conc.

NHqQH and the color is then further adjusted with dilute reagents
until the salmon-pink to straw-colored end point is reached
(pH 2.0-2.3).
15. After transferring the solution to a plating cell with a distilled
water rinse, the actinides are plated onto platinum discs, using
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a rotating platinum electrode for the anode.

Distilled water is

added occasionally to maintain the total volume of the plating

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