fT ULE, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OF FICK: Mr. Theodore Mitchel] 18975-283-092 -3- August 21, 1979 CONCURRENCES ATG, SYHMBOL Item No. 6. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL) is in the process of OTT: PADpreparing this document. It is not yet available. The dose estimates were provided by LLL, however, and copies of what the Department receitved W } bh are enclosed (Tab F). eATE 8/21/79 “INET, Hi 51 ba am Item No. 7. In response to your FOI request in Item No. 7, the records you requested are at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. They are in the process of being assimilated. As soon as they are forwarded here, it will be determined whether they can be released and you will be promptly notified. . We anticipate no problems at this time. Item No. 8. Risk estimates of somatic or genetic consequences of various RTG. SYMBOL ESD Pn tA McCraw DATE 8/21/79 ATG. SYMBOL radiation exposure levels were not made. Risk estimates for some of the | radiation exposure values identified (f.e., 170 millirem per year and 5000 millirem per 30 years) are given in the summary statement of the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council's Report of the | - SD TIALE/ 63 ° Sire" Advisory Conmittee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (Tab G). 8/21/79 ba RTG, SYMBOL The Atomic Energy Commission Task Group Report published in the Enewetak Environmental Injpact Statement, Volume II, Tab B, pages III-11 and 12 OGC ': iNTTTALS]tie provides a somatic risk assessment for a radiation exposure of 250 millirem Brown per year, the recommended radiation protection criteria for the whole body oe 8/2479 and for bone marrow. RTC, SYMBOL Item No. 9. No such documents exist. aatnamtentinndien iaittanadanl We trust that this information is responsive to your request. Sincerely, ATC. SYMBOL (pr ee tit INITIALS! SiG, Bruce W. Wachholz, Ph.D. Office of Environment 7 Enclosures bec: RTG,. SYMUOL ee eer INITIAL S/ SIG. Mrs. Van Cleve, DOI Mrs. Clusen, ASEV Mr. Hollister, ADASEV Mr. Whitnah, OMS . Dr. Weyzen, OHER:. ” Mr. Deal, OESD Mr, McCraw, OESD ee ae os Hae ae ey Se a SIG. 4 MITIALS/ Mr. Brown, OGC Feememential Mr. Gelband, AD-44 DATE EV 64620 DOE FORM AD-9 (12-77) nal OFFICIAL FILE COPY 9011519