© U8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OF FICK: Mr. Theodore Mitchel] — £879-253-692 -2- August 21, 1979 —————— CONCURRENCET ian ATG. SYMBOL that the island of Bikinf 4s the longed-for home of the Bikini people, | that houses already exist on the {sland, and that tens of thousands of ~ j_---------- coconut “trees are on the island, we feel that it is valid to raise the question of whether or not access to Bikini Island can be controlled if the people reside on Eneu Island. Mr. DeBrum.) tem No. 2. (See also previous comments of There are no other records covering the request in Item No. 3{a). The Department of Energy has no records bearing upon this subject. Inquiries of this subject presumably should be dfrected to the Department of Interfor. Item No. 3(b). Please refer to the Brookhaven National Laboratory information provided in (1) above. If body burden levels of Cesium-137 mumeaest nee [-~-----——-wTET Ev ROOT mserre , Passurie were to be equal to or greater than 3 uli, it would be expected that radiation exposure Jevels at or above 500 millirem per year. would result. Poss This assumption is based upon Publication 2 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (Report of Committee II on Permissible Dose forjareevawsr Internal Radiation). In that publication it fis stated that’ the maximum permissible body burden of Cesium-137 (assuming that the total body is mmreTAURT STE (see Tab C). care the organ of critical reference) for occupational exposure fs 30 wCi Since the occupational exposure limit fs 5 rem per year, the body burden of Cestfum-137 resulting in an exposure level of 1/10 of 5 rem per year (j.e., 500 millirem per year) 1s 1/10 of the 30 pCi value, [areavaco or 3 yCt. Item No. 4. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL) currently is in the process of preparing technical articles for publication in the scientific Pow literature addressing these issues. Consequently, the articles as such do not yet exist, and the Department of Energy obviously does not possess [arc.svmsow them. However, enclosed {Tab D) {is a copy of information which the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory sent to the Department of Energy consisting [Usimac7seof the food concentrations of radionuclides which LLL used fn calculating the dose estimates under discussion. save Item No. 5. The substance of the request addresses the basis of the decision to employ the Federal radiation guidance. The most relevant basis for this is the Federal Radiation Counc!] guidance as presented in the Federal Register over the signatures of Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy (see Tab £). The text on page 6 and footnote 10 on the same page address the AEC recommendations for planning at Enewetak, the bases for which are in the Environmental Impact Statement. ATS. s¥MoOL Peircesta. =|_. DATE RTS, symool [oo iNITHAs/ SIG. eee DATE DOE FORM ao-s2fn| { 5 | 4 OFFICIAL FILE COPY