Burins tho tom weeks thet Chief slog ws hore, the younvor

os;“ingsra leornod revidly, Ne dlncnescd the problan and then
helpad ther Gob tha ro,‘ios started, Gndor his supervision,

thoy started to do boferowremtlonal mintcnanga, tiaptpravorrting
many failuroege

Ge Feecmmendyticnas


(2) That the eontracter ba ro-cired te hove ccnosno othor than

the nroject momror ag Gap monwce


tha Loat


hays a ecnpotent Chief Potty OffLoor

as ChZo? Encineer on cite for the total oporations

nt ES or En,
shot a Eontor ihlicted man » Crorations forcoa

with Siclaexporkence in the Corps of En“Ancora, be part of the

Gormandor's staff te oooriinate tho dotailis of planning and

eeccution and to provide aduinistrative asalatances

he woclsti¢ss


Ge Supaltcat




(1) Dyramtte do not the tyro of emloctve best exited to


crniding ecnerota or cutting cieel, Thero exo mony military




geo SE


flu dal

wuld havetea
been rue ore effocthWe Sicllarly,

alostriaapa are of linitod
use cn the islands, In most canes
éirtones La tho cata oriterla for human protoction, thus
alcctrla caps and time fuses ars botter sulted for this type

(2) <Scao of tho fuck wo recofived or pleecd in dnms we conta=


Camaity for tulk fuel storsczo with lines for loading


from a tanker would h.ve provented this problem ond for an operan

tica of thie cumtion mirht hove boon less exronchvas

(3) In cetemining projected fool romdronants, previous


eoncumption rates aro not an accurate oritoria, Equimment and
boat hourly consumption rates with projocted usaze provide the
moct valid predicticnss
De ovat Partat
(a) Tho voat Rorcnrt arrived with incefftelent parts to koep the

boats runoins during the iniidal neried,

(2) Uhon using oplmment that hao bom oltting Ale, provi ston

cuct bo mde prier to ahircont or shortly after arriving at the
cito of cocraticns for ohanving itens that detorlorate in storage=
such an hesco, coals and gachotoe
Ge Iraniomortations

(1) koala airléss wna sufficient and satlofactery. Ton-compati=

bility of capaly itema ang cartain items and passemsers caused us

ero prolilomte

These could have bacn cericus rroblens if the Alp

force Liniven Offfecr at Kiuajalein had not tndvorcd,eonmitibility
ror drowmts for us almost woody, Another oritlaal problon was
tho imiility to Solley up on mip
pely Atoms. Item wuld bo dali

erod to Sicham and placed inte tha ayctane If a opcecifle item did
notarriva on the plans, wa had no wy of reuins vero it ws


attbeet ee

DALE A n po ee RE o oe ec mmmten Ss sett ee Noni anage e



ato vem,Es

pee tains
Seer yee




Select target paragraph3