(increasing water resistance with decreasing speed at a given thrust



I hope they are not considering changing the propulsion system, that

could be prohibitively expensive.
In addition to the economic contraindications, there are several possible
marine engineering aspects that must be considered.

This ship has been

extensively modified from its design function as a garbage scow.

The changes

in stability and hull dynamics by covering the garbage holds, plus the addition
of the 30 ton crane at deck level have altered the kinetics of the hull,
especially as it pounds into head seas.

The heavy boom of the crane, with

violent pitching, induces a secondary hull vitration of an oscillating nature
that could lead to metal fatigue in the hull,
are very powerful and shake the entire ship.
in the hull's dynamics will be necessary.

These secondary oscillations
A careful study of the changes

For example the new hull section

will probably change the center of bouyancy and/or center of gravity and will
have au unknown affect on the inherent stability of the new hull configuration.

I would assume that the addition of the essentially empty 17% of the hull
would raise the center of bouyancy and therefore decrease the basic stability
of the hull, unless that section were ballasted to its original center of

Liberty ships that had essentially the same type of expedient recon-

figuration during World War II, to increase their cargo capacity, had a bad

reputation for breaking apart, frequently at the site of the welded sections.
To prevent this, it would be extremely expensive to x-ray the entire length of
all new welded seams to insure their structural integrity.

In conclusion, the basic ship is inadequate and I would have even greater
reservations about the ship if hull modifications were considered.

I would

suggest that the procurement group admit that the ship was a bad choice initially
and not throw good money after bad.

Our budget cannot stand such crisis

Select target paragraph3