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details about the Yabershaw contract for the evaluation of Likiap.

I explain,


to him the position that. existed when I left the U.S., indicating that no solid
commitment has been made by the Congress via legislation for funding to care for
the Bikinians but that the BUL medical teem would coutinue to take cere of them
on a hummitartan basis as tong as we could afford it.
information L had given Osear de }ivum

I again repeated the

on the Tabershuy proposal.

Later on that

sano day, LT met with pera Rikton, the Director of the Majuro Hospital.
indicated that he would

toen us the Trust Territory personnel] whom we had requested

du our preplanning Jetrer,

with the exception of Kalam Gideon.

place would be taken by Manera Kabua,
Machheltl dstaads, Areata Kohan.


the younger brother of the President of the

Vo stated that

i.e., “he draws too much" and that

problem but he recowmended that

Katman Gideon's

there was a slight projlea cith

he was sorry to burden ae vith his

lo vatel Muaara very carefully during lhe survey.

Toassured htm that any drinl ing that was done eboard ship would be done din cout tued
spaces and that no Marshallese would ever be aware that any member of the seient:
crew had been drinking.
Of interest, white having breakfast the first morning in Majure, ve were
approached by Morley Safer and members of the 60 Minutes CBS crew (Enclosure 8).
in our role Th


They expressed an interest


We gave them a brief survey

of the 25 year history of the BRI, medical surveillance program and tater on in
the day Mr. Safer, along with his entire crev, appeared in our decrepit exaaining
trailer at the back of the hospital and asked to fism a short interview.


JTowas faced with the option of refusing the juterview and having CBS stand in
front of the Majuro Hospital aud say. that BNL had refused to allow their examinattoa
to be filmed, or of granting the interview, L chose the latter.
consisted of a short

The interview

film strip of myself cxanining, a patient under a rather

primitive field condition.


Donald Paglia vas standing behind the cameraman

Select target paragraph3