Brookhaven National Uiboratovy Marshall] islands Survey
Septciuber-October 1979

The third BNL survey of the Marshall (slands in calendar 1979 covered
the period from carly September through mid October (please see enclosure 1
for itinerary of the participants ).
fhe goals of this survey were as follows:


complete the pediatric examinations which had been missed in

the May and June survey.

To examine any available study members who had been missed in the

two previous calendar '79 visits.

To follovup on the TJ patients tha had watergone thyroid survery

in July in Cleveland.

To reexamine the remainiue group of patients who had previously

been noted to have thyroid nodules and to mal)

arrangements for their transfer to

BNi, and to Cleveland for surgery in October.

To provide dental extractions for patients in the outor islands (a

precedent had previously been established for this type of care by the residert
physteian, Dr. Knud Knudsen several years ago).


‘lo provide "reading glasses" for presbyopic patients (a precedent had

been established for this action over a period of many years by the oplhatmologist
who had accompanied the major surveys.

To begin the health education programs on the outer istands as

requested by the people of thuse islands.
Table 1 details the number of paticnts secn on each of the islands and the
type of services rendered.

Select target paragraph3