Hugh S. Pratt, M.D.

March 17, 1980

Position Paper for Presentation at the Ship User's Conference To Be Held
At The Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas on March 28, 1980,

In response to Harry Brown's message of 14 March 1980 inviting us to
attend the Liktanur II user's planning group meeting at the Nevada Operations
Office, Las Vegas on Friday, March 28, 1980, we would like to present the

following observations and recommendations.

Mr. Brown has stressed the point

that it is “imperative that logistic support be given a sharply refocused
review'' at this meeting, in light of the completion of the Eniwetok clean up
and the cessation of MAC Air Service to that atoll.


In addition to a request for a comprehensive review of the new logistic
support options,

three specific agenda items were cited.

They were:

Future of current Marshall Islands programs and proposed, new or

expanded missions;


Future of Liktanur II beyond September 1980;


Modifications of Liktanur II.

We would like to respond to questions 2 and 3 first, since they have a
direct and controlling impact on question 1.
It is the considered opinion of the Brookhaven National Laboratory
medical group (documented by multiple trip reports, position papers, memoranda
and conferences at the Department of Energy, etc.) that we do not consider the
Liktanur II adequate support for the minimum current medical mission.


with the Coast Guard waiver for the forthcoming medical survey in May-June of
1980, the constraints imposed upon the medical group by inadequate berthing,
storage, and working spaces has reduced the desired medical team by 33%.
Consequently, the survey will need to be extended, in time, 33%.


This imposes


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