BROOKHAVEN ACV89g NATIONAL LABORATORY Ke MEMORANDUM REPOSITORY Becokhyper bar Lar DATE: March 19,1980 4 coLvection CELIAC Loni Leto,25 TO: V. Bond M.D. Ph.D. BOX No. FROM: Hugh Pratt M.D. FOLOER Lhéx SUBJECT: Meeting in Washington D.C. on March 20, 1980 bear Wie, ONE En Btk - Beckpiven M2 Keie C LhYS OT Loe,Sh Pass huveh p ; TADIT CFE Lyieks I am sorry that these administrative problems Loccenting the let Marshall Island Study have escalated to the point where they require your AEACCH appearance at the Department of Energy to present the Brookhavel National 6, Laboratory position. I especially regret that this meeting comes hard on the heels of your long, and I am sure tiring trip to Japan. We have attempted to present all of the required documentation concerning ~he critical elements of the logistic/programmatic conflict. Please don't be alagmed by the volume of this collection of documents. I have highlighted in yellow those statements that I feel are critical to our position. However, I don't want to leave you open to the charge that they are quoted "out of context" - so the whole document is included. In addition, we have color-coded the critical documents in the following manner . COLOR A. @ ORANGE Ship - qualifications, operational characteristics, contract negotiations - controlling impact on medical progress. B® BLACK Nevada Operations Office (Roger Ray R.R.)- documentation of problems with R.R. - going all the way back to Knud Knudsen's letters (Tab 19). Cc. BROWN Harry Brown - Harry's direct impact on the medical protocol. D. GREEN Pacific Area Support Office (PASO) - (Bill Stanley B.S.) -PASO's position in regard to the medical progran. E.R) BLUE Statement/Meeting at Department of Energy Headquarters (Bruce Wachholz) documentary - the inadequacies of the vessel. 1G JC.