


Trust Territory) know about it.

We were afraid they would get in trouble,"

The petition was finished end ready for mailing April 20 but Heine said

he waited until April 22, the day a plane wes due, to drop it in the mailbox,
He said he planned to register it but arrived at the Post Office too late.
Postmistress Irene Records did not recall the letter but said she
remembered that Heine had been in and inquired about registering a letter,
Heine said he also sent a copy of the petition with a letter to the

"editor of the Washington Fost,"

The letter said in part:

"You may be

interested ts know that yours is the only publicztion to which we are sending
such & copy.

We have chosen you simply because we understand your paper to

be a fair and reliable ons of national standing,”
There was 1 other Marshallese pstition to leave the Island,
circulated by school chiidren and sent to Midkiff,
milder than the ene sent to the United Nations,

It was

The languege wes anch

Students and ail Marshallese

and American teachers signed it.
The latter part of March a doctor arrived at Majuro and told Noes they

would have to get about 100 blood samples from vrexposed Marshallese to usa
as a yardstick in treatment of the finjured/ expesed natives.
fileas said the official had no intention of giving the natives ar

He protested to the official./

The medical group arrived April 5, met with the natives to give them an
explanation Neas requested and the next day the samples were obtained.
Three days before the medical group arrived, Neas held a weekly staff
meeting with drpartment heads and Marshallese leaders,

The question srose

about sending a petition to the High Commissioner signed by both Trust
Territory employees and Marshallese,


Select target paragraph3