Rongelap people will not be able to return to their homes for a year,


every one in this village suffered injury from the fallout from the Hydrogen
bomb cloud.

Almost all have recovered,

They will be removed in early June

to Ejit in the Mjuro Atoll.

Ejit is a 14 acre lush Island,
building a complete villages.

On it the /AFC/ Force is

The United States will provide for them through-

out their stay there.

dp 30 year o1d Magistrate and icader of Rongelap, said in

an interview:
Mr people don't feel good about net going home.

We fear we may have

fate of Bikini,"

The Bikinians, Heniz said, “were given a rav deal,"
A&A lagoon people, the 2CO Bikinians were foourzed/ ghufficd from island
to island until finelly put on isolated Kili -- an island which many monthe
oc the year is inaccessible because of heavy surf.
Heine and several Americans in the trust ter:itory said the Bilcizianc are
not happy as they feel like they have beer rut in jail,

The petition was signed by the Holdover Committee of the Marshall islend

The 12 man committee is empowered to act for the Congress in between


It is made up of 6 from the Asseuwbiy end 5 from the House of IROJI

Heine, Member and spokesman for the Committee, steadfastly [denies thet
any/ Seidno American knew or took part in drafting the petiticn to the United

He said:

"We spent a month working on it.

We purposely did not

let Mister Neas (Acting District Administrator Maynard Neas) or others (in the



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