General Areas in which Department of Defense Assistance 1s Contemplated

The AEC has indicated to its members of the Group those areas in

which it contemplates asking for assistance as follows:

Special applications such as atomic depth charges for air,

, Surface and sub-surface launching against submarines; atomic torpedoes for
+ anti-submarine and anti-shipping uses 16“inch atomic projectile for preoision
shore bombardments and air-to-ground and ground-to-ground rockets with atomic
. warheads.



Compatibility of weapon with vehicle such as aircraft and missiles

with particular emphasis on the marriage of atomic weapons to supersonic aircraft.

Environmental testing of completed weapons.

Specific Tasks and Military Competence


Under those three areas which the AEC furnished in its guidance to

the AEC members of the Group and the Group's broad interpratation of
"compatibility," there are listed below specific tasks where assistance by the



. Department of Defense is desircd.,
“having interest and competence.

Those tasks are matched with the Services
Tab A indicates that the Department of

Defense is, in fact, cither participating in these tasks and many other
related tasks on its own initiative or possesses ‘the competence to accomplish
those items which may be initiated in the future.

Functional doscriptions of

Department of Defensc facilities with competence to assist in or assume
responsibility for carrying out these tasks are attached as Tabs B, © andD.

Compatibility of T%-5 with F-88 (USAF).


Compatibility of IX-11 with designated aircraft (USN and USAF).


Universal suspension and sway~bracing development (USN and USAF )e


Optimum sizes and shapos determination for extemal carriage

(USN and USAF).

Handling and test cquipment development for TX-10, Tk-11 (USN).


Development of ultimate fuzing for guided missiles under

present arrangements (USA, USN and USAF).

Complete non-nuclear development of atomio depth charges, mines,

and torpedoes, and test and handling equipment therefor (USN).

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Select target paragraph3