"Sec. 601. Title V of the Act of Oct. 15,

1977, entitled ‘An Act to authorize certain
appropriations for the territories of the

United States, to amend certain Acts relat-

ing thercto, and for other purposes (91 Stat.
1159) shall be applied with respect to the

Department of the Interior by substituting
‘shali’ for ‘may’ in the Iast sentence of subsection (d), and adding the following sen-

Territory of the Pacific Istands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Is-


Mr. PHILLIP BURTON (during the

reading). Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous

consent that the House amendments to
the Senate amendment be considered as

law, In the case of Amertcan Samoa and the
Northern Mariana Islands any department

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there
objection to the request of the gentleman

‘Notwithstanding any other provision of

or agency shall waive any requirement for

local matching funds under $100,000 (in-

cluding in-kind contributions) required by
law to be provided by American Samoa or the
Northern Mariana Islands.’.”

(b) after section 606, add the following

new sections:
“Sec. 607. (a) The first section of the Act
entitied ‘An Act to place certaln submerged
Innds within the jurisdiction of the governments of Guam, the Virgin Islands, and
American Samoa, and for other ‘purposes’,

approved October 5, 1974 (48 US.C. 1705),
the end thereof

the following new subsection:
*(d)(1) The Secretury of the Interlor shall,

not later than sixty days after the date of
enactment of this subsection, convey to the
governments of Guam, the Virgian Islands,
and American Samoa, as the case may b2, all
right, title, and Interests of the United
States in deposits of oll, gas, and other min-

ernts im the submerged lands conveyed to

the government of such territory by subsection (a) of this section.
“(2) The conveyance of mineral deposits
under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall
be subject to any existing lease, permit, or
other Interest granted by the United States

prior to the date of such conveyance. Al

rentals, royalties, or fecs which accrue after
such date of conveyance in connection with
any such lease, permit, or other interest
shall be payable to the government of the
territory to which much mineral deposits
are conveyed.’
“(b) Subsection (c) of the first section
of such Act (48 U.S.C. 1705(c)) is araended
by inserting ‘subsection (a) or (b) of’ after

ing ‘and American Samoa.’ and by inserting

in teu thereof ‘American Samon, the Trust~ gentleman mentioned health care. That ©

tence at the end of subsection (d):

is amended by adding at

‘pursuant to’,
“Sec, 608. The following Acts are hereby

amended as follows:
(a) in the Act of October 15, 1966 (80
Stat. 915), as amended (16 U.S.C. 470a-t):
(1) amend subsection 101(a) fn paragraph

(2) by deleting ‘and’ at the end thereof and,

in paragraph


by deleting ‘trust.’ and

inserting in Meu thereof ‘Trust; and’,

amend subsection 101(b)

H 1231
Mr, ROUSSELOT. Mr. Speaker, the


February 25, 1980

by deleting

and after ‘American Samoa,’ and by chang-

ing the period at the end of the paragraph
to a comma and Inserting ‘and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana islands.’,
(3) amend subsection 212(b) by changing
‘Senate Committee on Interior and Insular

Affairs.’ to ‘Senate Committee on Energy and
Natural Resources.".

(b) tn the Act of June 27, 1960 (74 Stat.

220}, as amended (16 U.S.C, 469):

(1) amend subsection 5(c) .by deleting
Interior and Insular Affairs Committee of
the United States Congress’ and by {nserting

in lsu thereof ‘Committce on Interior and

Insular Affairs of the House of Representatives and Committee on Energy and Natural
Resources of the Senate’.

(2) after section 7, add the following new


‘Sec. 8. As used in this Act, the term

“State” includes the several States of the
Union, the District of Columbla, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgtn Islands, Guam, Amertcan Samoq, the Trust
Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Martana Istands.’,

(c) in the Act of May 28, 1963 (77 Stat. 49;
16 U.S.C. 460 1-3) amend section 4 by delet-

read and printed in the Recorp.
from California?

Mr. ROUSSELOT. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, would the
gentleman give us a further explanation?

I ain sure there are lots of good reasons why we are rushing through this so
rapidly. Is there a crisis involved here?
Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. None at ail.

Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman will
yield, we have had tius bill before us
for over 2 weeks. Our distinzulshed colleagues, the gentleman from California

is $24 million?
Mr. LAGOMARSINO. That is $24.4

Mr. ROUSSELOT.Let us go throust

the “laundrylist” here.
Mr. LAGOMARSINO.ffthe gentleman
wants me to do that, I wiil.
Mr. ROUSSELOT. I thought that
somebody could tell us.
Mr, PHILLIP BURTON. Mr. Speaker,
will the gentleman yield?
Mr. ROUSSELOT.I will yield to either
one of my colleagues who can answer my

Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. Mr. Speaker,
we clarify that the Comptroller services,
as under current practice, for the North-

ern Marianas and American Samoa shall

be provided by the Secretary of the
Mr. ROUSSELOT. How much did it
cost last year?





(Mr. Lacomarsino) and the gentleman
from California (Mr. Ciausen), and I


our bill is now in shape.


the bill is in shape. How much dces it
Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. Not all that


have conferred at inordinate length, and
Mr. ROUSSELOT. The gentleman says

Mr. ROUSSELOT. Mr. Speaker, could

the gentleman give-us 2 gencral idea?

Mr. PHILLIP BURTON.It is a little
Jess than thecost, I believe, when we sent

it over from the House last. May.

Mr. ROUSSELOT. Mr. Speaker, I ask
the question so we will know. I understand that sometimes we have problems
with that.


Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. Mr. Speaker,
we authorize the continued administration of the trust territory because the
authorization is expiring. We provide—
and the Senate has concurred in it~
some. $24 million for hospital care in the
Northern Marianas.

Mr. ROUSSELOT. So the gentleman
is asking for what, $23 or $25 million?
Mr. PHILLIP BURTON, Mr. Speaker,
I suspect the authorization for the trust
territory will be no more than what we
had this current year. At least that is
what the budget of the administration
has provided, and this is an authorization that is needed in order to qualify
for the October 1, 1980, appropriation.
Mr. ROUSSELOT. Mr. Speaker, further reserving the right to object, is the

fact that we just do not know what the






Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. Of the trust

Mr, ROUSSELOT.Yes, if that is what
this is.
Mr. PHILLIP BURTON. I would estimate $100 million plus or minus.
Mr. ROUSSELOT.AHright. It is about
$100 million plus or minus?


Mr. PHILLIP BURTON.That is about

what the basic trust territory duthoriza-

tion or appropriation was Inst year. I do

not believe we will have an appropriated

amount in excess of what the amount
was that was appropriated during this;
current fiscal year.
Mr. ROUSSELOT.Mycolleague is confident that whateveris being authorized


in this bill is less than last year?

think there will be an appropriation for
the trust territory that is any more than

was appropriated in this current year.

That is my estimate.
Mr. ROUSSELOT. Does mycolleague,
the gentleman from California (Mr.
LaGOMARSINO), have a better e-timate?
Mr. LAGOMARSINO.No. I think the
gentleman from California (Myr. Prytiie

Burron) has explained it correctly. The
appropriation for fiscal year 1980 as it
left the House was $112 million,
Mr. ROUSSELOT. $112 milion.

Mr. LAGOMARSINO.And last yearit
doar value is?
was $122,700,000.
Iam sure my two colleagues, the genMr. ROUSSELOT. That was for 1981
tleman from California (Mr. Lacomar~ sino) and the gent!eman from Califor-- or for 1980?
nia (Mr. CLAUSEN), have given this very i LAGOMARSINO. That was for
careful consideration, but just for the
record, I would like to know, what is it?
Mr. LAGOMARSINO. Mr. Speaker,
Mr. LAGOMARSINO. And the figure

will the gentleman yield?

Mr. ROUSSELOT.I yield to my colleague, the gentleman from California,

XE just gave was $112 million for fiscal
year 1980.

Mr. LAGOMARSINO., Mr. Speaker, I
will be glad to respond.
Section 202 authorizes $24 million for
health care services for the Northern

an authorization for fiscal year 1981 or

wie I know is very familiar with the

Mariana Islands.

Mr. ROUSSELOT. For 1980. And is this

Mr, LAGOMARSINO. The budget request for fiscal year 1981 for the trust
territory is about $30 million less than,


Select target paragraph3