Ventilation Equipment

This test was performed on several types and sizes of
pressure sensitive and remotely operated anti~blast valves for -

ventilation openings.

To prevent injury to occupants and damage

to filters and other shelter equipment, blast resistant closures

must be provided for all ventilation openings.

Research and


development on this project has been done under contract by
Arthur D,. Little, Inc. A total of eleven prototype valves were


tested to obtain designs for rugged, reliable and quick
acting blast valves of various sizes and overpressure ratings.

Radiological Defense
One_ program in the radiological field is designed to give the

technical data necessary for the formulation of specifications

for radiological instruments, establishing nuclear radiation
shielding requirements, decontamination procedures and radiological
monitoring techniques. A second program is designed to obtain information necessary for the formulation of radiological defense operations, techniques and philosophy. It also provides training in a
contaminated field.for state and local personnel.
The decontamination program is to evaluate the effectiveness
and feasibility of various methods of decontaminating structures
and areas. Methods used include flushing, covering, removal of
earth, sweeping, etc.
This project also serves to demonstrate and train personnel in
decontamination procedures and .countermeasures,.

Objectives of this project are:


(1) To obtain further experience for the purpose of evaluation
of aerial, automotive, and ground monitoring surveys.

To evaluate attenuation factors for mobile survey methods.

(3) To evaluate aerial equipment being developed for civil
defense use,.



To obtain information on radiation exposures associated

with such surveys.

Evaluation of Instruments

This is a continuing program designed to evaluate radiation

detection instruments under field conditions.

Both standard FCDA

and other commercial instruments are being tested. Radiation
instrument manufacturers are participating in this project.




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