Both the French and the German shelters are family-type struc-

tures, They are being tested at maximum pressure ranges far in excess
of those used for testing the American shelters.
Nine German and two French shelters are being tested. In addition there are tests of three isolated entrance-ways of French design.
One French shelter is rectangular and one is cylindrical, while seven
of the German shelters are rectengular and two are cylindrical,
Vault Design Test

Another project, sponsored and paid for by the Mosler Safe Company, was a test of a-reinforced concrete, steel-lined vault and a
Standard steel safe door. The vault, 11 feet by 10 feet by 17
feet, was fully exposed above ground. Clcsure is effected by a
ten-inch thick steel door.
This test, to confirm the level of resistance of materials andstructures to a nuclear blast at close range, grew out cf the concern
on the part of banks and insurance companies over protection of vital
records and valuables.
The cost, in terms of overall research and construction, exceeded



Air Zero Lecators

Civil defense operations, following an attack with nuclear weapons, would be facilitated if a network of suitable devices for indicating the position of the explosions were provided. Previous tests
have demonstrated that a camera-type recording device is feasible.
FCDA is financing the development of three different types of devices
and numerous screen materials through the Eastman Kodak Company, the
Bureau of Standards, and the Quartermaster Corps, Eighty prototype
air zero locators are being tested under a variety of field concitions.
Masonry Construction

Unreinforced brick masonry structures were compared unfavorably
with reinforced concrete structures in previous tests. The Structural
Clay Products Research Foundation has developed a design which they
claim is highly resistant to blast loads. This design and a number
of wall panels were tested to determine resistence to nuclear
blast, at the industry's expense.
Door Tests

This project is for obtaining criteria by which the design of
commercial doors may be established for low blast pressures. Previous
tests showed a need for reducing the damage to doors and eliminating

the missile hazard resulting from doors becoming dislodged in low

pressure blast areas where otherwise damage would be very minor.
Doors and hardware have been designed utilizing commercial door
manufacturers! components. Ten test doors were mounted in cells

for this experiment.

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