United States Department of the Interior



JUL 15 9977

Dr. Joseph E. Trimble
Research Scientist
Social Change Study Center
Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers
Post Office Box 5395
Seattle, Washington 98105
Dear DOr, Trimble:

Your letter of July 5, 1977, on possible future research studies of

readjustment of the peaples of Bikini and Enewetak after resettlement is
being forwarded to the High Commissioner of the Trust Territory for his
review and comment since any proposal of this nature would require his
approval and cooperation, as well as that of the people concerned.

Additionally, both groups have legal counsel of their own choosing who

represent them and who also need to be consulted on any activity involv-

ing their clients,

We have several comments, though,since it seems that some confusion has
resulted ja treating the Bikini and Enewetak situations as similar,

Dr. Robert Kiste, of course, is well known to us through his research in
the Marshalls. The preliminary proposal for a study on readjustment of
Bikinians we assume was drawn largely from his background knowledge and
it 1S an interesting proposal,

However, the "Bikini research matrix" should not be superimposed in its
entirety as a model for a followup study of the adjustment problems of

the people of Enewetak,

The people of Bikini were moved to Kili, an

isolated island without a lagoon, and having other physical characteristics quite different from Bikini Atoll. The people of Enewetak Atol]
have been living on Ujelang Atoll, which, although it is considerably
smaller in extent than Enewetak Atoll, basically has similar atoll
characteristics. For example, we doubt that the Ujelangese have now lost
their lagoon fishing techniques as stated in your Jetter and given as an
example of a readjustment pattern they have to relearn in Enewetak Atol).
They have undergone many privations but also as a result of these
privations and isolation, have had to rely more on certain traditional

methods than many ether Marshallese, Neither have as many residents of
Ujelang been dispersed throughout the Marshalls as is the case for the
Kilians, Actually, except for students and a group of workers, rela~
tively few of the Ujelang people are dispersed in comparison with the


Obviously, there will be many similarities of readjustment

between the two groups but they will not all necessarily be the same.


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