Incidentally, you might be interested in a recent film on the people of
Ujelang and the early return to daptan. The film will be shown on the
"ABC News Closeup" Pragram on Thursday, July 21 (10:00-11:00 p.m, EDT)
on ABC Television, This fiim, done in collaboration with the people of
Ujelang, their legal representatives, various agencies and the Trust
Territory Government, originally had a segment on "traditional fishing
methods used in the Ujelang lagoon." It may not be in the final version
but the short film should be of considerable interest.
It should be kept in mind also that very intensive Master Plans have been
developed for the relocation of both groups. Social Scientists participated in the preparation amongst them such anthropologists as Dr. Jack
Tobin. Also, Dr. T. Scudder, Dr. Kiste, and Or. Len Mason were involved

to some degree in a consultant capacity, either formally or informally, on

Some aspects. Special thought has been given to planning for the future
for these two groups.
The two smal} groups of people, one group on Bikini Island, and one on
Japtan Island in the Enewetak Atol] result from special circumstances,
A small group of 50 people, members of the Ujelang Planning Council and
their families, are on Japtan in order to be consulted on every phase of

the cleanup and rehabititation program which wiil be carried out during

the next four years. The small community on Bikini Island is made up of
Kili families, who on their own have gone back to Bikini prior to the
official resettlement. Your statement that "you heard that recently a
few Bikinians ate fruit contain cesium, a highly radioactive substance
and became extremely 711" must be based on someone's misinformation,
Recent monitoring of the small group of people on Bikini island by the
Brookhaven Laboratory Medical Team revealed that some of the people had
an increased body burden of cesium-137. This increased’ level resulted
from eating breadfruit and pandanus, which the people have been told
not to eat, but which they could not resist. These levels though are

far below the levels that would be expected to produce any detectable
health effects.

No one has become it], and the medical authorities assure

us that no one there is in any immediate danger.



though the members of this small group have gone back on their own prior
to the completion of the Bikini Resettlement Project, careful watch is
kept on them, and the Trust Territory authorities are taking necessary
steps to prevent any adverse health effect to any of the group.
Recently, there has been a great deal of newspaper publicity about Bikini
and.Enewetak. Much of it has been of a sensational nature, often resulting from examples from one area, such as the Rongelap fallout being

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