
to the epidemiological and genetic study of atomic veterans
and other veterans exposed to toxic substances during military

as well as their offspring,

Alan Cranston's Senate Bill


as called for in Senator

Because no substantive data

currently exists regarding the possibility of genetic and
birth defects among the offspring of atomic veterans, NAAV
finds it hard to believe that the Veterans Administration would
gO on record as opposing S.

11 which specifically calls for

the first genetic study of atomic veterans and their offsprina.
It is both ironic and unfortunate that the Associate Deputy
Chief Medical Director of the Veterans Administration,



Brown, has stated at the April 6th Senate hearina that "No
genetic effects exist among the offspring of atomic veterans."
Not only is there no existing scientific evidence to support
such a claim,

but having the Veterans Administration oppose

a genetic study (as outlined in S. 11)

raises the rost profound

question about the intentions of the Agency mandated by Congress
"To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his

widow, and his orphan."
Thank you.

Select target paragraph3