2 the whole body dose of 25 rem referred to

above corresponds numerically to the once in a

lifetime accidental or emergency dose for radiation workers wnich, according to NCRP recommendations may be disregarded in the determination of
their radiation exposure status (see NBS Handbook
69 dated June 5,


However, neither its use

nor that of the 300 rem value for thyroid exposure
as set forth in these site criteria guides are
intended to imply that these numbers constitute
acceptable limits for emergency doses to the public
under accident conditions.
Rather, this 25 rem
whole body value and the 300 rem thyroid value
have been set forth in these guides as reference
values, which can be used in the evaluation of
reactor sites with respect to potential reactor
accidents of exceedingly low probability of

and low risk of public exposure to


Fish, et al, made the following comments regarding the
applicability of these criteria to the case of plutonium

These comments are also applicable to hot particle

First, the wording of sections 100.11 (a) (1)
clearly limits the application to the irradiation of

the whole body and the thyroid; no other organ or tissue

is mentioned or implied.
Furthermore, only fission
products in general and iodine in particular are
identified as reference substances.




states unequivocally that the guides are not to be
considered as acceptable limits for emergency doses

to the public under accident conditions. &2

Without addressing whether the guideline values,
25 rem to the whole body and 300 rem to the thvroid, should



Ibid, p. 129.


Select target paragraph3