



The MPLPB=0.2 particles implies that the existing MPCa
for non-occupational exposure to Pu-239 should also be reduced
by a factor of 115,000 to a value of 9x10718 uCi/ml unless it

is determined that the plutonium is not in hot particles.

Exposure from Accidental Releases

There are no direct statements by standard-setting organi-

zations regarding an “acceptable" exposure associated with
release of radioactivity in an acciden +, 81

For purposes of

evaluating sites for, nuclear reactors, establishing site
boundaries, and preparing safety analysis reports, however,
the AEC has adopted specific criteria. “The reactor site

boundary (surrounding the exclusion area) must meet the following criteria (10 CFR 100.11(a)(1)):
(1) An exclusion area of such size that an

individual located at any point on its boundary

for two hours immediately following onset of the

postulated. fission product release would not

receive a total radiation dose to the whole body

in excess of 25 rem? or a total radiation dose


in excess of 300 rem? to the thyroid from iodine




81/ Fish, B.R., G.W. Keilhalte, W.S. Snyder, and S.D. Swisher,
Chapter 7 of early draft version of B.R. Fish, et al, “Calculation of Doses Due to Accidental Released Plutonium from an


(Nov. 1972), p. 128.

This chaoter was

deleted from the final version at the direction of AEC-Divisicn
of Reactcr Development and Technology because it was judaed to
be not directiy aprlicable to the objective of the study, anc
the information base from which it was develovec was alresacavailable in other documents.
AEC-DRET further stated thir it
Was. not removec becaus2 ci the quality of the work.

Select target paragraph3