- 26 $

involved, surface doses of 16,000 rad froma p32 plaque
induced an average of 1 cancer/animal which is indicative
that larger mammals are similarly susceptible to skin cancer
after intense radiation insult.

Again, these gross obser-

vations demonstrate that enhanced tumor incidence does occur
after very high doses.
Intense localized radiation of the subcutaneous and

intraperitoneal tissue of animals by: Pu-239 has also been
shown to cause a high frequency of cancer induction43-45,


Now what are these experiments trying to tell us?

Certainly a reasonable interpretation or these experimental
results is:

when a critical architectural unit of a tissue

(e.g., a hair follicle) is irradiated at a sufficiently high
dosage, the chance of it becoming cancerous is approximately
1073 to 1074.

This has become known as

the "Geesaman



Related Human Exverience

Since the above experiments: relate to cancer induction |
in animals, it is pertinent to ask whether man is more er less

44/ Sanders, C.L. and T.A. Jackson, “Induction of Masotheliomas
and Sarcomas From ‘Hot Spots’ of Pu02 Activity," Health Pnvsics,




June 1972,



45/ Lisco, Herman, et al, “Carcinogenic Properties of
Radioactive Fission Products and of Plutonium," Raciolocy,

Vol. 49, No. 3, Sept. 1947, pp. 361-363.


Select target paragraph3